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cubed by orbitaldecay [web]

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                                                             prod: cubed
                                                         platform: linux i386
                                                             size: 512b
                                                           author: orbitaldecay
                                                             date: 02/11/2012

    A software voxel renderer implemented using (mostly) integer arithmetic.  A
few good ideas were divined from "Fast Voxel Traversal" by ... et al., which
describes a similar algorithm using floating point arithmetic.

    Requires Python 2.5 or later (for ctypes).  Uses Python to load the SDL lib,
set-up an SDL window, mmap itself into memory, then call itself.  This little
trick uses 190 bytes, which I think is smaller than an equivalent binary could
be (though I'd love for someone to prove me wrong).

    Python is an essential component of every Linux distro that I know of, and
pretty much every distro released in the last 4 years ships with version 2.5
or greater.  In short, this should run on any updated Linux system with SDL
libs installed.  I was debating releasing this as a 256b DOS intro, as I know
it would receive more attention as such, but there aren't enough intros for
Linux ;)

    Greets go out to frag, w23, DOS coders everywhere, and my cat Artemis who
joined the great hunt in the sky last week.  Keep it real hommies.

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