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Marshmellow Dreams by Intra

                      ║Marshmellow Dreams Documentation║ 

║Hardware Requirements:║

        To run this musicdisk, the following hardware is required:

 + a 80386 or better processor
 + a VGA or better videocard
 + a VGA or better monitor
 + any of the following (or compatible) soundcards:

        Sound Blaster  (1.x/2.x/Pro/16)
        Pro Audio Spectrum
        Gravis UltraSound

║Software Requirements:║

        To run this musicdisk, the following hardware is required:

 + 565K of conventional memory
 + DOS 5.0 or later
 + Himem and EMS memory managers
   + at least 1 megabyte of free EMS (expanded memory)


        The following recommendations are strongly emphasized for various

 + a disk cache (ie. SmartDrv) is highly recommended
 + a 80486 or better processor
 + SuperVGA video card with 512K of video memory
 + mouse (and mouse driver)
 + the Gravis UltraSound card will not take so much processor power


        Upon start of the program, it will detect the processor, video
card, mouse driver and whether or not expanded memory (EMS) is available.

        EMS is required, while a SVGA card and mouse driver are optional.
This musicdisk was designed as a SuperVGA Graphical User Interface...
I thought it would be nice to allow users without a SVGA card to use the
musicdisk, so I coded a plain VGA (320x200) version of the musicdisk.
(Note that the original raytraces were in 640x480x256, so some quality was
lost when they were converted to 320x200.)  If a mouse driver is not
detected, or if a SVGA card (compatible with the library) is not found,
the musicdisk will run in VGA mode, otherwise it fires up in SVGA mode.
To manually run it in VGA mode, but "VGA" as a command line option:


        If you do not have a sound card, do not bother trying any of the
other settings.  In VGA mode, hit ESCape at the soundcard selection if
you do not have one.

║Running the SVGA mode:║

        Upon start, you will have to select your soundcard.  A nice menu
will appear.  Use your mouse to select the appropriate soundcard.  (The
pointer is of a dark shade of blue; moving the mouse around should reveal
it.)  Upon selection, our tradionnal «Canadian Production» should show up,
followed by the start of the music and the intro.  Once you arrive at the
main menu, you can use the mouse to select any of the options.  Use the
right mouse button to go to the SVGA oscilloscope, and click it again to
go back to the main menu.

        Clicking on quit will go to the end-screen and then music and text
will fade out.  Pressing ESCape at the main menu will skip that sequence
and end the program faster.

║Running the VGA mode:║

        This mode is a little faster and recommended for people that run
this musicdisk on a 386.  The mainmenu is different, since I thought the
palette was cool.  Use the arrow keys and ENTER to navigate and select.
To see the VGA oscilloscope, hit F1.  To go back, hit any key.  To see
the original main menu screen, hit F2.  To go back, any key.  Then,
an Ωmega exclusive:  REAL-TIME plasma!  Hit F3 to display the optimal
plasma for your processor, F4 for the 486 version and F5 for the 386
version.  The difference is less pixels, and more space between them.  There
is a BIG speed difference, though...  Any key returns to the main menu.


      + I did not put any way to switch modes once the program is running.
        To run the other mode (if you have the appropriate hardware), you
        will have to quit and re-start the program.

      + This musicdisk may not work with sounndcards that have IRQ's set
        higher than 7.  If it is a plug and play device, please change it
        to any value lower than or equel to 7.

      + Most of Bishop's songs are 16 channels.  That means it might not
        sound too good on a 386, unless you have a GUS.  If you do not have
        a GUS, choose a lower version of the SoundBlaster.  The lower the
        version, the lower the quality, the better chance you have at
        hearing music the way it is supposed to be played...

      + This program was coded with Microsoft Quick-Basic 4.5, using the
        following libraries:

                + Bells, Whistles and SoundBoards 1.20, by Edward Schlunder
                + SVGAQB 2.4a, by Zephyr Software

           - Why?  Bishop wanted this musicdisk as soon as possible.
             I could have done the whole thing in C++, (I have C/C++ versions
             of those libraries) but I was short on time, and I code
             faster in Quick-Basic.

      + This program SEEMS to run fine under Windows 95, although switching
        away or doing processor-intensive computations (while it is running
        in the background) might cause the playback to be distorted.  In
        that case, quit the musicdisk and restart it.

      + The musicfiles are in GDM format.  That is the format used by
        the BWSB library.  Unfortunantly, I do not know of any popular
        music player that supports that format.  You may want to code your
        own little player if you want to listen to the music outside of
        the musicdisk.  (BWSB is very easy to use)  The originsl s3m's will
        be posted on Bishop's web page (www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/5916/)
        if you want to play them through another player.  To get optimum
        sound quality lisen to the music with a GUS max or Sound Blaster AWE32
        in Impulse Tracker.


      + You are not authorized to make money out of this musicdisk, or any
        elements that constitute of it.

            - Why?  We are (still) using shareware versions of the libraries,
              therefore even WE couldn't make money with this musicdisk,
              unless we register the libraries appropriately.  That, and
              if you want to make money, make something yourself!

      + If you want it included on a CD-ROM, you must have Intra's written
        permission.  See INTRA.NFO on how to contact us.

      + We are not responsible for anything that might arise from the
        (mis)use of this program.  Period.

      + By using this program, you agree to all terms and conditions set
        forth by this disclaimer.

║Closing words:║

        Ωmega:  I had fun programming this musicdisk.  If anybody else
                would like a musicdisk, just ask me!

        Bishop: I had fun writing the music.  I want to give a very big
                thanks to Omega for programing this disk.  He did a very
                good job (clap,clap,clap).

║End of file║                                     Ωmega/Intra - 96/09/02
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