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Xmas '93 by Superiority Complex

                          About Superiority Complex

   Superiority Complex, based in Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada, is a 
programming/music/graphics/demo group.  Our primary goal in life is to
throw all these things together in the most interesting possible ways.  
Christmas'93 is our very first demo, and we hope you like it.  It isn't
quite as good, or as long, as we had planned, but it's still there, and 
it was a lot of work to create.  Have fun with it, and distribute it as 
though it were the greatest thing ever.

   Anyway, our current member list is as follows:

³ Handle      ³ Real name      ³  Age  ³ Job                   ³
³ EnigmaLogic ³ Avery Pennarun ³  16   ³ Main Coder            ³
³ DNA         ³ Dave Coombs    ³  16   ³ Music/code/gfx        ³
³ Tribula     ³ Len Bougie     ³  17   ³ Gfx/code              ³
³ HCl         ³ Marko Happonen ³  19   ³ Distribution/code/gfx ³

   As always, we are in desperate need of new members.  If you think you
can draw graphics, write music, do some programming, or help us in any 
other way, we'd like to hear from you.  It would help if you live near
Thunder Bay, of course...  :)  Contact information can be found at the
end of this file.

                                SCS Releases

 XMAS'93.ZIP    - The SCS Christmas'93 demo.
 DNAMUSIC.ZIP   - Five MOD files by DNA
 SMIX11.ZIP     - Our MOD player, Superiority Mix v1.1 - Used in this demo!
 SMIX10.ZIP     - Old version of MIX.  You probably don't want this.  :)
 SMM-20.ZIP     - Superior MultiMenu v2.0.  Our terrific menu system.
 MMNU10.ZIP     - Old version of MultiMenu.  You DON'T want this!
 LENL30N.ZIP    - LenList v3.0 - great listing of all Thunder Bay area BBS's,
                        fully configurable for other areas.

That would be seven of them.  You can expect more in the future!

                            Contact Information

   There are several ways you can reach us:

Internet: dave.coombs@norlink.com  (at least until Sept/94)

FidoNet: Len Bougie @ 1:229/510

SnailMail (the post office):
                  Superiority Complex
                  c/o Avery Pennarun
                  RR #5 Pole Line Road
                  Thunder Bay, Ontario
                  P7C 5M9

   Try Internet and FidoNet first...  Resort to the post office only if you
can't reach us any other way.  We will respond to ALL electronic mail, and
as much SnailMail as possible.
   Don't worry about who the mail is addressed to; if you want to aim at a
particular member, just say so in the first few lines.  We'll make sure the
right person gets it.  We don't all have access to the same networks, so 
this is the best way.

   Write to us!  We like yammering endlessly about EVERYTHING!

                            And in Conclusion...

   MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!  and remember our motto to lead you through life:

   "If it doesn't have a chicken on it, IT'S USELESS!"

   Have a nice day, and GET A GUS if you do not already have one.

                                                                      - DNA
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