mudia art #04 (2009 Edition) by Alcatraz [web]
______ ____ ______ | | ______ | | _______ _________ _ | ____|_|______|__| _ | |____|__|_______|__ _______ \_____ \_/ \____|_/ _____\____ \_/ \__|__|\_____ \_____ \/ ___ \_ | _ | \ | \ | _ | _____/ _/ _/ _ |\/ _____| | / | \ | \ | / | \ | \ | / | \ |__ _|__ |__ |__ |__ |__ \ |__ \ |__ |__ | | | \_____j \______j \_____j \_____j \______j \__\__j \______j \______j | |_________________| | | |______| | | |______| | | |_____________| |______| |_______| |_______| s7ing presents Mudia-Art #04 (2009 Edition) with a exclusive maintrack called Hotel Paradiso by Jazz/Haujobb Featured artists: Jester, Jazz and Bridgeclaw Credits Editing by s7ing and Alpha C/Chimera Music Coding by T$ Menue Graphics by Wade Clip Arts by Wade, Noogman, Peach and KF^Bitfellas visit us at: *** Note: We are sorry for a not professional issue of Mudia Art, we thought more than twice to drop this fourth issue, but it would be sad of the work we already invest. So we hope you can live with a lower version with a huge delay. s7ing/ATZ ***
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