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Przybysze z Matplanety by Teh Weeabooz

     ____  _                _       __           __  
    / __ \(_)   _____  ____| |     / /___ ______/ /_ 
   / /_/ / / | / / _ \/ ___/ | /| / / __ `/ ___/ __ \
  / _, _/ /| |/ /  __/ /   | |/ |/ / /_/ (__  ) / / /
 /_/ |_/_/ |___/\___/_/    |__/|__/\__,_/____/_/ /_/ 
.       |				     |       .
.       |      T E H   W E E A B O O Z       |       .
.       |       	        	     |       .
.       |             presents               |       .
.       |                                    |       .
.       |     = Przybysze z Matplanety =     |       .
.       |   = (Incomers from Mathplanet) =   |       .
.	|			             |       .
.	|			             |       .
.       |   An animation for Riverwash 2011  |       .
.       |   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  |       .
.       |              Graphics: Darklight   |       .
.       |    Editing + Animaton: AceMan      |	     .
.       |                 Music: AceMan      |       .
+-------+   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  +-------+
|					             |
|            This is our fun contribution for	     |
|             Riverwash, held in £ódŸ/Poland	     |
|                   on 02-04 Sept. 2011		     |
|						     |
| This video is sort of a remix/loose interpretation |
| of old polish educational program for children,    |
| called "Incomers from Mathplanet" :)		     |
|						     |
| Most of the footage used comes from polish demos   |
| released over the past few years.		     |
|					             |
| The soundtrack is a remix of opening sequence	     |
| from this program, with			     |
| music by R.B³a¿ejewski & M.Latoszek,		     |
| lyrics by M.Wojtaszewska,			     |
| vocals by A.Zaucha & H.Fr¹ckowiak.		     |
|						     |
| English lyrics are available in the zip archive.   |
|						     |
.       |                                    |       . 
.       |        WE CAN HAS PORYGONZ         |       .
.       |                                    |       .
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