Faraway by Imago
[ imago . overseas'99 . imago . overseas'99 . imago . overseas'99 ] OVERSEAS:1999 Final Invitation Intro - forewords - This invitation intro is something really unexpected. It wasn't planned to be done because we thought we wouldn't have time to create it. In fact we're too lazy. And we're sleepy too. Yes. The main routines are taken from our 100kb intro for OverSeas99 so you can expect lots of television effects there. Lots of thanks to Aahz/Kosmic Free Music Foundation for his music. This intro would sound more maxwellish without it. Meet Mode X. It's standard. It's easy. It's fast. Love mode X. Maxwell. - staff - MAXWELL 3D engine RORSHACK tip logo coding base graphics textures amorphous obj AAHZ music ALFRED&GURU midas 0.6rc1 [KFMF] [HOUSEMARQUE] TRAN & pmode/w v1.33 STARF0X betatesting DAREDEVIL [THEEND] support - contact - IMAGO http://www.gazeta.zaz.com.br/~imago imago@zaz.com.br MAXWELL Hugo Cristo hugo@gazeta.zaz.com.br http://www.fatorcaos.com.br/hc RORSHACK Jose Fernando rorshack@fatorcaos.com.br http://www.fatorcaos.com.br/ze AAHZ personal e-mail http://www.kosmic.org SAHARA SURFERS http://www.s2.org STARF0X Herman Fuchs x@wm.com.br - greetings - QUAD Sagacity NOTHING Cremax Skin Wawa Inferno THEEND Starf0x BOMB Skal Monaco's Made SoundMaster ORANGE JUICE Chandra XTATIC Goblin Legend - imago - MAXWELL coding RORSHACK graphics graphics ansi/ascii internet pr music (not) WORDMACRO music ZEPHYR music coding FARMER music CSM music - productions so far - XMAS'97 i_natal.zip FLASHBACK i_flash.zip dec1997 jan1998 maxwell (hC) maxwell (hC) smile 1st at pc97 A FACE i_face.zip OVERSEAS:99 i_os99.zip apr1998 mar1999 maxwell (hC) maxwell monaco's/theend rorshack lady_lethal aahz/kfmf e-mage/theend 1st at PTCOMPO #1 [ imago . overseas'99 . imago . overseas'99 . imago . overseas'99 ]
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