2304 by Lübecks United Lamers Inc. [web] & GNUMPF-POSSE [web]
2304 by Lübecks United Lamers Inc. and Gnumpf-Posse Released April 2011 - reVISION. - custom build platform - 100% realtime - ATMega644 Microcontroller, AVRgcc 2304 LEDs - 96 columns, 24 rows @ 150 Hz framerate. 6 identical pannels with 16 columns each. Audio played by external device, triggered + timed by the microcontoller. Cam: Vanson/LULI SFX: Dr.Crowbar/LULI GFX: TGI/GN Code: tROLLI02/LULI^GN Special Thanks: FH-Lübeck, Hecodat Lübeck
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