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Craxtro by Tristar

                                   .:' :::
                                 .:'  .::'
                               .:'    :::
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                         .:'        :::
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 _______________________ _______ ::
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  \______\_____/   \     \ ___\ ___________ _________ ________ _____________
     ..             \_____\  ___\___  _   / _     ____\___    \\      _    /
   .::::::::::::::           \    _/  /__/  /     \      /           /_   /_
                ::          _/    \       _/     _/    _/    _      / \     \
                 ::       . \_____________\______\___________\_____/   \     \
                 ::       ::.                                           \_____\
                  ::     :::                                      tRASh
                   :    .::'
                   ::   :::
                    :  :::


				p r e s e n t s 			       

_=[ Release Info ]=============================================================_
|                                 TRS-Craxtro                                  |
| Coding .................................................................Epyx |
| Music..............................................................Quickyman |
| Logo....................................................................CoRe |
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| File Size    : 89088                                                         |
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| Release Date : 10.2010                                                       |
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| quickyman says thanks to kb for the nice v2 synth & Libv2                    |
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quickyman greets to:

Alcatraz      - gopher
Braincontrol  - Skyrunner & Payne
Conspiracy    - Gargaj
Darklite      - Response , o.f , TFT , Spexzter , Quisten , K-Man & Arcane
Fairlight     - Reed & Smash
Farbrausch    - kb, .reEto, beRo, chaos, ryg ,wayfinder
Kewlers       - Little Bitchard
Moods Plateau - at All
Rebels        - Chromag
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