2019 by Brainstorm [web]
-- 2019 by Brainstorm first presented at Evoke 2010 in Köln ------- Credits: Preacher did the coding and the visuals Hansee composed the music and made some kanji Ivy did her particle magic and in addition to that Bpoint spoke Japanese Xerxes helped with the mastering OpenIL loaded the images FMOD played the music GLEW saved the day and all the Brainstormers tested and gave enough ideas for at least three demos. ------- This demo was made rather quickly, in about six weeks, and completely at the workplace. It is open source and the source code can be found at the Brainstorm web page. You, however, do not want it. The visuals are 3000 lines of pure hardcoding and it started out as something quite different than what it ever ended up being. You can get randomized visuals by checking the appropriate box. Some combinations look really bad, but occasionally there is set of options that's pretty nice. Also, the random mode has one addition to the visuals that was taken out from the final demo. Go check it out. ------- We would like to say hello to our friends: Aardbei Alcatraz Allien Senses Andromeda ASD Bitfellas Chorus CNCD Conspiracy CVGM geeks Darklite Dreamdealers Ephidrena Excess Fairlight Farbrausch Hedelmae IND Komplex Madwizards Melon Dezign MFX Nectarine crew Neural Northern Dragons Nuance Orb Outracks Paradise Plastic Portal Process Rebels SBD Shitfaced Clowns Spaceballs Still Stravaganza Style Synesthetics TBL Titan Traction Trailer Park Demos TRBL Triad Tristar TRSI UKScene Allstars Ümlaüt Design ------- Finally, we are all at http://brainstorm.untergrund.net, do come for a visit or check a demoparty near you. Thank you for watching 2019. --
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