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Vuvuzela Hero by Kray

__     __                         _         _   _                
\ \   / /   ___   ___   _ _______| | __ _  | | | | ___ _ __ ___  
 \ \ / / | | \ \ / / | | |_  / _ \ |/ _` | | |_| |/ _ \ '__/ _ \ 
  \ V /| |_| |\ V /| |_| |/ /  __/ | (_| | |  _  |  __/ | | (_) |
   \_/  \__,_| \_/  \__,_/___\___|_|\__,_| |_| |_|\___|_|  \___/ 

1. Introduction
2. Requirements
3. Compiling
4. Playing
5. Creating songs

code/gfx/sfx by Konsta Kokkinen
better songs (those with real melody) by Pauli Marttinen
special thanks to #ohjemointiputka

| 1. Introduction                                                             |
  Vuvuzela Hero is a game where you can be a Vuvuzela rock star! It tries to
  simulate playing vuvuzela as precisely as possible, while making it fun!

| 2. Requirements                                                             |
  The provided Windows build is tested to work on Windows XP and Vista.
  Game is developed (and tested, of course) on Linux. Game is written entirely
  using Qt and OpenGL, so in theory it should function on any platform
  supported by those - code is not OpenGL ES compatible, though. For other 
  platforms than Windows, please compile the provided source code yourself.

| 3. Compiling                                                                |
  (Not necessary on Windows)
  You are required to have CMake and both runtime and development facilities of 
  Qt 4 and Phonon (part of Qt). We experienced difficulties with getting Phonon
  functioning on Windows, so there is alternative audio backend support using
  SDL_mixer. To compile using that, you need runtime and development facilities
  of SDL and SDL_mixer.
  First, in source directory, run 
    cmake .
  or, if you want to use SDL audio backend, run
    cmake . -DSDLAUDIO=yes
  after that, you can compile using make or whatever compiler system you use.
| 4. Playing                                                                  |
  Game has, at maximum, 4 different tones; this depends on song difficulty.
  When ball comes to entrance of vuvuzela, press corresponding key on keyboard.
  Key for tone on left side is 1, one on its right is 2 and so on. For long 
  notes hold the key. It may be difficult at first, but you'll get used to it!

| 5. Creating songs                                                           |
  Game has built-in song editor for editing songs. To get started, create file
  mysong.song to songs/ directory. To that file, write following:
NAME My Song
BPM 120

  Remember that no whitelines are allowed. Now, there should be entry "My Song"
  in song editor's song selection. Select that, and you are in song editor.
  you can navigate beats using up and down arrow keys. Home gets you to 
  beginning of the song, End to end. Delete removes selected beat and Insert
  inserts one to that point. You can modify notes by pressing corresponding
  key on keyboard, the same as in gameplay. Pressing key same as tone currently
  set to beat will set beat empty. Notice that you can make long strokes by 
  simply setting consecutive beats to same tone.
  For song settings, BPM is the bpm of the song. DIFFICULTY indicates 
  difficulty, which can be either EASY, MEDIUM, HARD or INSANE.
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