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mosa by Those Up Fucked Sceners [web]

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                              ----={ Mork Og Stormfull Aften }=----

                          --={ Presentet by TUFS at Geekcamp 2009 }=--

                                     --={ CREDITS }=--
			       2D Graphics   -   Proteque
                               3D Graphics   -   Proteque and Morbuz
                                     Music   -   Proteque
                                Demoscript   -   Proteque
                               Engine code   -   Pantaloon
                                   Shaders   -   Proteque

           This demo was made for 4:3 screens as that is what I have ;) I have plans to get a more
	   modern screen soon to be able to suit the needs of you widescreenbastards out there. Hope
	   you enjoy watching it as much as we enjoyed making it.

                 ------------------={ All Our Members } =------------------

                                       xni   -   music, 3d, 2d
                                       tft   -   2d, banners
                                     elmah   -   music, entertaining
                                     nerve   -   code
                                       slc   -   code
		                       how   -   code
                                   oyvindr   -   photo, drink beer
                                    morbuz   -   code, 2d, 3d
                                    termos   -   code
                                  proteque   -   code, 2d, 3d, music, banners
                                   nicomen   -   code, 2d, ascii
                                   snorlax   -   code

                  ----={   B - O - T - T - O - M - S - - - U - P - !  ]=----

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