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Via Duck by Loonies [web]

                 '.  ':::.
                _______::\  ______ \__________
               /  __________\_    \   _______ \    ___________
               \  \         \/    /   \      \ \__/ _________ \
      .::.      \  \        /    /    /      /_____/_        \ \
    .::' .'    ,:\  \__    /    /____/      /        \       / /
   :::'      ,::::\_  /   /         /      /   /     / /    / /     .:::.
  :::::..  ,:::::::/ /   /    /    /      /   /     / /____/ /:.   ':'':::.
   '::::::::::::::/ /   /    /    /      /__ /     /____   \ \:::.      ;:::
     ''':::::''' / /    \________/         /-\    /    /   / /:::::....::::'
                 \ \_____/ _____ \________/   \  /    /   / /::::::::::::'
                  \_______/     \___________/ /\/    /   / /  ''::::'''
                             .              \ \_________/ /
                         the |               \___________/
                       black | via duck
                     loonies |
                        info | party production made and released at
                             | farmfest'09 in odense, denmark.
                             | seen running on osx/intel, windows and wine.
                             | pants off - tunnels on!
                             .          .
                     credits | graphics | ralf
                             '          '
                                 coding | rstrr
                                  music | xtiem
                             .          .
                      thx to |    ascii | posca/cromatics
                             '  winport | mentor/tbc
                               farmfest | malodix'n'friends.

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