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Start the Journey by Secretly!

  .: Breakpoint 2009 - unofficial 1k invitation Intro :.

  _________ __                 __      __  .__            
 /   _____//  |______ ________/  |_  _/  |_|  |__   ____  
 \_____  \\   __\__  \\_  __ \   __\ \   __\  |  \_/ __ \ 
 /     !  \|  |  / __ \|  | \/|  |    |  | |   Y  \  ___/ 
/_______  /|__! (____  /__|   |__!    | _| |___|  /\___  _>
        \/__  .      \/       !  .    !/   !    \/     \/ 
        _|__! ____ :__ _________  ____:  ____ ___.__._
         !  |/  _ \|  |  \_  __ \/    \_/ __ <   |  |
         :  (  <_> )  |  /|  | \/   :  \  ___/\___  |
     /\__|  |\____/|____/ |__|  |___!  /\___  > ____|_ _
     \______|      !      !     !    \/     \/\/    !
            !      .            :

This is just an unofficial breakpoint 2009 intro in only 1k
using DirectX9. Intro runs on 640x480 in 32 bit and you need
d3dx9_24.dll from the DX9 installation!! Hope ya like this
small intro ;)

Code, Idea, Design..:	Mr.Vain of Secretly!
			aka Thorsten Will

Nice Fonts..........:   Microsoft Company

Amazing great packer:   Loonies & TBC

Special thanks to following guys for great help:
Auld, Ciclope, Hellfire, Jim, Mentor, rbz, Stefan. The great
and amazing www.dbfinteractive.com DemoCoding community!

Alcatraz, AmuqDesign, Artwork, Brain Control, Farbrausch,
Headcrash, Loonies, Paradise, RGBA, Scarab, TBC, TRS, Vantage

Antibrain, BeRo, Ghandy, Stan, TGGC and all you guys out there!

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