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Mudia Art #03 by Alcatraz [web]

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                             ## MUDIA ART #03 ##

                               This time with:

                        Mudia Part: Magnar and Dreamer
                          Art Part: Fade One and Cougar

                    further credits find in the mag itself....

                  Greetings to all our friends especially to:
       Brainstorm, Rebels, TRSI, Nuance, Fairlight, Scoopex, Andromeda,
            The Ravebusters, Nooon, Shrimps Design and Bonzai Bros.

Requires at least d3dx9_24.dll check: www.dll-files.com/dllindex/index-d.shtml

------- NFO BY NE7/NAPALM ^ REBELS ^ SCOOPEX ^ TRIAD IN 2007 [A.A.S.B] -------
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