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to_the_beat by xplsv [web]

   ..__        _______\         \ ________             _____..
-- \    \_____ \       \         \       _\..___ ____ /      / - 
-- /    /    _/_ \      \         \             \    \      / -- 
- /____/\    \   \_______\         \__..__\      \____\    / --- 
         \____\____ \     \         \_  \_________\/______/
             ..     ..     \_______../               ++ xplsv

/ to_the_beat / xplsv
/ a fast 64k for euskal 16

this is an experimental production, for testing my first softsynth and contributing to this party

right, and this is a PARTY version, just in case you didn't notice yet

you need to have SDL installed somewhere; I will remove that requirement at some point. there's a very unfinished windows port but it does need some work to make it run smoothly so if you're a real xplsv groupie, simply wait for a final!


mac os x leopard - powerpc - INTEL OUTSIDE ;-)

more info:

thanks to iq for helping with the windows port, and trace for the "coding pique" :-)
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