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kivi by Adapt [web]

        ={|>  ADAPT DEMO  <|}=
    __         _._             __
   [P ].  ._   [~]   __   _   [oo]
   [ __]_/_]==[_'_]=[_ ] [ ] [_P9]    
   [_ ____<:.:[_ _] [ _]_[_] [__']==e  
  .[_ _].[_\.:[ __]..[__|_]. [_ _] .' .
 .:[___]:[__]:[v__]:.:[__]:.:[___]:     . 
    '::Y:. ::.  ::::.  ::::.Y  :::.
                                ' '   
            @@at ICONS 2008     .    '   '.
                   -            '
            c:   deepr
     v-^- & g:  miStral        '
            m: BassCadet           `-      .
                   _        .              
                              '   .    .   '
         _ _.     ---
    _/   .Kivi.has been developing 
   /     for millions and billions
  /     of years in space
 (     and through our planet
  \   at great pressures and conditions:
   ) Cold<->heat - Erosion..liquids,
  (   gases,wind,explosions,energy.
   \   microscopic life, plants, 
    )   Animals and human.
   (_    Almost every thing 
   (~     have been shaping them.
    )     I truly am eating some kivi,
   /      purified by other living creatures,
  (       now and forever.  At this moment
   \       []         []    and tomorrow 
    ) <>decaying and reorganization of
   (    atoms and molecules,  Oh no :D
 ___)      Better stop thinking of it
(          because so it has always been. t.M
    [ btw. This demo is not ready ]
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