Asm_intro1 by Flower Corp.
--== Asm Intro 1 ==-- An Amstrad CPC+ production works with Winape emulator and of course, a real CPC+ 128Kb needed main code...roudoudou from Flower Corp. music...Shap from OVL --== Thanks for their help! ==-- BDCiron from Hard'OS Ramlaid from Canada Dry Grimm from Arkos/Semilanceata Offset from Futur's --== Featuring ==-- True environnement mapping in fullscreen, pixel precise split-raster+ (2 nops wide) --== Greetings to ==-- Ast, Barjack, BDCiron, Beb, Candy, Ced Cloudstrife, Cmp, Dada, Demoniak Eliot, Fenyx, Fiston, Fred Crazy, Garett GolioJr, Grimm, Hermol, Hicks, Isa, Jamian Ker, Kris, Krusty, Kwikwickboy, Longshot Madram, Master, Mig, NickOne, Offset, One OFE, Optimus (you're welcome!), Overflow Papy CPC, Plissken, Power, PixelMan PulkoMandy, RAM7, Ramlaid, Shap, Slyder, STV Sylvestre, Targhan, Tom&Jerry, Toms, Tristan Twomag, Zik You're not in this greetings? What a shame! I suggest you to come in CPC meetings or send me more email :) roudoudou 2008.05.16 Message perso pour Targhan: Un de ces 4, je vais enfin me sortir les doigts du cul et reléguer ta midline process au rang de tortue timbre poste! FEAR !
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