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ExistenzE by NoNameNo

___________        .__           __                           ___________
\_   _____/___  ___|__|  _______/  |_   ____    ____  ________\_   _____/
 |    __)_ \  \/  /|  | /  ___/\   __\_/ __ \  /    \ \___   / |    __)_ 
 |        \ >    < |  | \___ \  |  |  \  ___/ |   |  \ /    /  |        \
/_______  //__/\_ \|__|/____  > |__|   \___  >|___|  //_____ \/_______  /
        \/       \/         \/             \/      \/       \/        \/ 
								Music Disk
		    The Ultimate Jochen Hippel Tribute

Coded By : NoNameNo
Type	 : Soundchip Music Disk
Using    : GRRLIB 1.6 (http://wiibrew.org/index.php?title=Homebrew_apps/GRRLIB)
Forum    : http://grrlib.santo.fr/index.php

Control  : use gc controler ( up/down to move oneline and 
           keep pressed R or L to speed up. A to select)

Bonus    : try to press any wiimote button to power on, and up/down/A

Source   : Available on simple Request
Greetings :	- Shagkur ( thanks for the marvelous devkitpro/libogc )
		- Softdev ( nice renderer approach )
		- Dhewg ( thx for you C advises ;) )
		- Leonard/oxg ( Big thanks for your StSound routine !! )
		- all people involved in GRRLIB dev ( uscghost, dasda, _gabriel, etc...)
		- marcan, bushing, erant, tmbinc, xorloser, stalkid64, hell hibou, dciso, waninkoko, svpe
		- and all others i forgot....

Atari St / Amiga / spirit will never die.... ;)

if you are interested in coding a little screen for the soon coming WII mega demo
keep in touch with us / #grrlib on efnet.

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