Wrecked Angle by Inque [web]
wrecked angle, by inque :: release info :: ---------------------------- made for (and at) Outline 2008. most of the work was done in 3 days. (including a full day at outline) it was the first time we used our own softsynth, pandora, together with our custom 64k-demosystem, nerve. :: reqs :: ------------------------------------ uses pixelshader 3.0. requires direct3d 9.0. you'll need d3dx9_32.dll, which is included in the latest DirectX runtimes. should run on most modern videocards, although it's completely unoptimized. :: credits :: --------------------------------- code/visuals/additional direction -- glow soundtrack/direction -- izard :: greetz :: ---------------------------------- we say hi to: asd, farbrausch, conspiracy, still, limp ninja, lineout :: cya :: ------------------------------------- www.inque.org
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