ledgers #03 by The Untouchables
WELCOME TO THE LEDGERS VOLUME 3 By the Untouchables & Co .. ----------------------------------------------------------- Welcome indeed to a disk magazine designed and brought to your computer by a mind that wants only to kill .. my name is Mat and it has been left to me to complete the final piece of text on this disk .. When this disk mag reaches you the very funny and topical (at the moment) intro may be well out of date (infact, I would be rarther surprised if Gorby is still around when you read this text), but trust me, its very funny now ! Ok, enough talk .. I will try and keep this text short and to the point because I feel dangerously ill due to the large amounts of food I ate while watching Terminator on TV last night .. Just run the program on the disk called LEGER_3.PRG and you will have loaded the magazine .. I make life easy dont I .. There will be late items of news or interest at the bottom of this text which happened after I compiled the mag but before its release date .. Has it taken you quite a while to get this magazine ?? Check the sell by date on the bottom of the main picture .. If it has then why not subscribe to us directly and we will mail the disk to you without any delays for postage, copying, PD catalogue updates, etc .. See the articles section inside the magazine if you are interested .. Back issues are also available at the same price .. The new name of all our disk mags from now on will be THE LEDGERS, (its from the film 'The Untouchables' where Eliot Ness is trying to decypher Al Capones bank legders .. Ok, so its a weak link but they dont have any magazines in the film !!) .. Anyway, the point I am trying to make is that if you see the name THE LEDGERS then dont start crying because you dont know what it is .. Its our disk magazine ! This issue is the best yet and a huge amount of totally original stuff so a special thanks to everyone who has written, drawn, programmed, scratched, sniffed or generally helped in any way to make this magazine the success it is ! .. I am really amazed at the speed the mag has taken off and the enthusiasm of some of all contributers .. The fourth magazine should be out in about a month (or so) .. although because of our various jobs, etc, it may be a little bit longer .. If you want to write any article for the magazine then please send it to any of the Untouchables and try and keep the swearing to a minimum or the article will be censored by our panel of conservative grannies ! Seeya in 'The Ledgers' Volume 4 Mat of the Untouchables -------------------- The Late News Just In .. ------------------------ The Ninja would like to pass on a little message to the rest of the Enterprise .. He is planning the greetings screen for the Enterprise megademo and requires the logos (you know, on a PI1) of all your contacts and friends who require greeting to be sent to him (or Mat and he will pass them on) .. Get to it .. Stormlord formerly of Now 5 has joined the Untouchables and will be programming some excellent stuff for future Untouchables projects .. He has already completed the intro for the fourth disk mag which will be available in around one month from the release date of this issue .. Another last minuite change in the members list is the sudden departure of the Intruder from the Untouchables .. We no longer wish to be any part of your childish games and all members are in total agreement that ripping the cheats off maggie 7 and giving them in to be published was a very low trick .. The Untouchables are original and want to be known as such .. The Intruder has caused nothing but trouble and is just a lame little kid so watch out for him (We will probably get a telling off on his 'menu' disks now but do your worst, they only get a readership of about 3 or 4 people!) If any good coders or groups would like to do a screen for our new demo 'Light Speed' then please get in touch soon because it will be completed hopefully within the next month or so .. I got paid in advance for a little bank job today so we figured, why not run a contest and let the folks at home win a bit of lovely cash !! Three quarters of a million pounds could be yours, tax free !! Its real easy to enter, just complete this sentence and mail it to the address below .. 'Mat is so great, yeh, like, he is just my living hero, you know what I mean, like, just to see him for a few seconds every day, like, makes my whole dull boring life complete, you know what im sayin, hes, like, so great because .. ' Send it written on a large denomination bank note to : The beautiful yet approachable Mat !!!, Untouchable Towers, Somewhere up North, 'Up North' where's that ?, U.K. If the prize is not won by anyone we will hold a copy party with the money and invite all our friends .. Wonderful huh ?! .. More details soon .. The magazine is FINALLY complete after an emergency rewrite of the doc displayer and then problems with the article files which have put the release date back by about a week ! .. See the main picture for the release date .. Thanks again to everyone who contributed to this issue .. Look out for the Ledgers volume 4 SOON !
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