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Rottoprojo Coder Pron by Clash

Rottoprojo Coder Pron - 247b Javascript Intro by Clash

It's a 9 months old code. I was planning to release it after
Clash's first big demo production. But since it's delayed a
bit, I'm releasing this one as a life sign.

I know it doesn't look very shocking for most of you but it's
kinda coder pron. Examine the code and you'll understand what
I mean. Or better try to code a 256 bytes javascript cube
rotation & projection routine with perspective by yourself.
It's real fun, trust me :)

This code is highly size optimized and it's 247 bytes. You can
find the optimization steps in the package (568b -> 247b).


Supported Browsers:
Internet Explorer 6+
Firefox 2+
Netscape 9+
Rest of the browsers are not tested
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