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icarus by Nextempire


Index                   1. What's this ?
                        2. Disclaimer
                        3. System requirements
                        4. Credits
                        5. Greetings fly to...
                        6. Contact


1. What's this ?        Well, this is a text file. It belongs to a
                        code FX coded 1999 by KILLER/NEXTEMPIRE,
                        first shown at BnZli 8.


2. Disclaimer           You're using this program at your own
                        risk, and you know what this means. I'm
                        not liable for any damages this program
                        might cause, so if it destroys your PC,
                        it's your problem.


3. System               I don't know :) A 386 should be able to execute
   requirements         this intro, but I think you should have at
                        least a 486DX. (I coded this intro on a Pentium 90)
                        Everything clear ?

                        Only the Gravis Ultrasound is supported,
                        because this card rocks and I'm too lazy
                        to support the Sound Blaster, but don't cry -
                        at least you can watch the intro without sound.

                        You need aprx. 400 KB of free conventional DOS memory
                        to run this intro. It shouldn't have any problems
                        with any memory managers.


4. Credits              Code  : KILLER/NEXTEMPIRE aka Scratchy
                        Music : KENSHI/NEXTEMPIRE

                        The sound system is based on gusplay.
                        Whahahaha, KILLER still uses gusplay...
                        ...no really, it's one of the best
                        GUS MOD players.


5. Greetings            - The NEXTEMPIRE crew
   fly to...            - Max (thanx for lending me your notebook !)
                        - Sch„rli (thanx for lending me your notebook too !)
                        - Robban/Cascada (gusplay...)


6. Contact              KILLER     :    mathys_aka_scratchy@bluewin.ch
                        NEXTEMPIRE :    members.xoom.com/NEXTEMPIRE


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