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Rebellion In Dreamland by Dazed Productions

                        REBELLION IN DREAMLAND
                        Dazed Productions 1998


    It was December 1997, when I (Iustus) found TMDC2 invitation in a local
bbs. As I'm a fan of textmode demos, I downloaded it and decided to
participate... But then I noticed that deadline had been a few days before
and I became upset. Luckily it was possible that TMDC3 will be arranged,
because already two compos had been organized and they had been quite popular.
    Then at winter 1998, over half an year before deadline, I found TMDC3
preinvitation. I was absolutely sure that we'll participate! Time passed.
It was the beginning of October, when I remembered compo again. I started to
code and quickly made truecolor to textmode converter and the basis of the
demo. Then Juippi and I made a stupid, short manuscript. Two weeks passed
by and I did nothing. Suddenly I realized that deadline was very near and
tests at school would also start in couple of days. I used all my spare-time
to code and make graphics. And then this demo was ready.

    But why I'm like so much textmode? I think that textmode can look really
good, it only depends on the coder. Rereaction's textmodedemos are just
stunning... Some textmode demos are not good-looking, but instead of that
they have the best stories and jokes. Like pwp demos... You should sometimes
watch Final Isi, Cosmolamu and Go Mazzembly by pwp. If you don't think their
jokes are good, it's your own problem... I think they are just the best.
    But i don't understant, when some elites say that new sceners make
textmode-demos. I never even tried to anything textmode-effects, when I was
beginner. (That's another question, if I'm now advanced scener or not ;])
That's everything! Be sure that we'll participate in TMDC4, if it going to be
held in the future.


Organisation by...............................Iustus
All coding and designing by...................Iustus
---Except wormhole & raycast-engine by........Juippi
All musics by.................................Juippi
All the graphics & textures by................Iustus
---Except wormhole textures by................Juippi
---Except 'TMDC3' animation by................Terohe


    Our group is really small. (Only two active members.) If you are
talented in rendering, 3d-modelling or drawing pictures and textures and
you are not in any active group. (You are talented, but you haven't done
your break-trought yet). JOIN US! Let's make this group well-known together.
Write email to Iustus and send a piece of your work. 


        Iustus - tanelir@lyseolukio2.kajaani.fi
        Juippi - juhoheik@lyseolukio2.kajaani.fi

        Iustus - Taneli Riihonen     Juippi - Juho Heikkinen
                 Urheilutie 34                Velhontie 12 e 29
                 88400 Ristijärvi             87700 Kajaani
                 Suomi Finland                Suomi Finland

    BY IRC:
        #warppi, #coders (ircnet)


    BY WWW: <http://dzd.cjb.net>            (All releases)
    BY FTP: <ftp://ftp.cdrom.com>           (Some of releases)
    BY BBS: <Dawn BBS +358-(0)8-381787>     (All releases)
            <Hell'O +358-(0)8-6120471>      (All releases)
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