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Xmas '92 (X-Mas Timer) by The Yellow Ones


	::::::::::::	X-Mas Timer by The Yellow Ones     ::::::::::::

	Hi! This is our first demo release. It was our intension to
	release it at the party in Denmark but due to large holes in
	our pockets, we couldn't participate. 
	We have also encoutered lots of problems while making the demo,
	forcing us to remove some of the routines and some animations.
	Hope you still will enjoy the demo. Or intro. Or whatever...
	If u dont want to read the scroller in xmas part then just press
	ENTER and u will be off to the next part.

	Please type tyo.nfo for info about contacting us.
	We like letters.... :-)

	Regards Leinad & Shaggy, aka Shaggy & Leinad

	Dec 29 1992 18:22 CET

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