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State of Hate by Dubius

----------------- State of Hate - Copyright (C) 1995 Dubius -----------------
                             for The Party 5

        1 ............. Copyright notice
        2 ............. Requirements
        3 ............. Credits
        4 ............. Greetings
        5 ............. Contacting

                  1. C O P Y R I G H T  L I C E N S E

  This material is not freeware. You are allowed to copy it without 
  restrictions for non-commercial use.

  No payment of any kind may be charged for this product or any combination
  of products or services including this product without our authorization
  and official written license.
  Commercial use, especially the industrial manufacturing on any data
  storage media and their distribution without the expressed permission of
  the producer, is strictly prohibited.
  This program or the data files contained therein may not be altered or
  modified without the permission of the author.
  You take full responsibility for the operation of this software and any
  consequences thereof. We the creators can not accept liability for damages
  or failures arising from the use of this software.

                        2. R E Q U I R E M E N T S

                - CPU 386 or better
                - FPU 387 or better
                - 1100k-????k of extended memory (depends on resolution)
                - Abt. 450k of base memory

                - GUS memory 256k-1024k (more memory = better sound quality)
                - For SB, additional 1200k of EMS/VCPI is required (for max
                  sound quality)

        The demo won't check the amount of free memory in the beginning, so
        it might jump to dos in the middle of show.

                           3. C R E D I T S

                Demo code & Music player ...... Tremor
                PMODE 3.01 .................... Tran

        Music ................................. Nitro

                Graphics & Fonts .............. Tonic
                Texture&Light maps ............ Tremor

                         4. G R E E T I N G S

     Dubius greets:
        A-Men PC, B!C, Capacala, The Coexistence, Dee, Fascination,
        Fraction, Goto10, Hypervibe, Hysteria, J.F.F, Majic 12,
        Orange, Psychic Link, SorroX, Spin, Substance, sYmptom, Xtatic

    Personal Greetings from Nitro:
        Fortune/Fascination, Wain/Spin, Peete/Substance,
        S-Cubed/Psychic Link
        Biiig Sorry for all my swapcontacts, I haven't been much faster than
        braking escarg¢t...sory, I'll write to all of you soon.

    Personal Greetings from Tonic:
        All sYmptom members, All The Coexistence members,
        All Dubius members, All tArzAn tuotanto members,
        Those Psychic Link dudes who were in Asm'95, Ginec, Liket/Goto10,
        Atx/Shock, Jsa/DDG, Nahkamuumio/tpolm, GHz/SorroX, Random/Xtatic,
        Deep Scan/kHappo, Meak Wolf/kHappo, Trancer/Capacala, Human/Adrenalin,
        Note/Goto10, Beta/A-Men, Wog/A-Men, Mostly/A-Men, Spice/Fraction,
        Leroy/Hypervibe, Distance/Orange, Tense/petteri fan club

                        5. C O N T A C T I N G

     HQ BBS:    TRKBBS  +358-0-874 2789  v32bis


        Tremor                          Nitro
        Allan Peramaki                  Kai-Eerik Komppa
        Peramaentie 10                  Peltokylantie 2 D 27
        62300 Harma                     00740 Helsinki
        Finland                         Finland
        Europe                          Europe

        Tonic                     Tonic's email addresses:
        Jetro Lauha                  tonic@triplex.fipnet.fi
        Hansakallionkuja 3B10        tonic@mikrobitti.fi
        FIN-02780 Espoo              jjl@pcuf.fi

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