Wonders Never Cease by Talent
T A L E N T "Wonders Never Cease" Just a warm-up production for something bigger to come made in a couple of days Presented at DejaVu 2000 in UK, end of June 2000 .:. Code by Subagazi (Andrzej Madajczyk) Music by Virgill (Jochen Feldkoetter) Art and design by Boo (Ulf Dahl) Optic (Hans I. Johansen) .:. You may reach any of us at these addresses: <talent@eurochart.org> http://talent.eurochart.org Did you watch "Possibly Maybe" which won last year's DeJavu? And did you enjoy "Christmas Chips"? (www.chiptune.com/christmas) .:. Boo: "I would like to thank Virgill for his patience. He composed this tune for me back in early 1998 and was originally planned for a Talent project entitled "Teamwork" which unfortunately never got to see daylight. So in a way this is a some kind of a compansation for that." .:. [ technical.info about "Wonders Never Cease" ] Subagazi: " /* WNC needs following things to run properly: hardware: - p2-400++ class CPU (should also run nice on something like p2-366(not tested!)); - 48mb of free ram AFTER loading windows (should also run on 32mb, but you will get warning); - gfx-card with truecolor (32/24bpp) 16M colors 640x480 pixels mode (will also run in highcolor (64K colors), but quality will be lower and overall performace will be lost because of 16M->65K converters); - 16-bit soundcard with good drivers under windows; software: - windows 9x (NT/2k not tested!); - directx 5.0+; - "bass.dll" sound library by Ian Luck; - anything else? - note#1: WNC needs NO gfx accelerator at all (all is rendered with pure software only) our next demo will (probably) need 3d accelerator, hehe (ask Boo if i'm wrong:)); - note#2: look for any updates/bugfixes on our www page (given above); please also send any bug reports to emails found there; end-of-message. */ ". .:.
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