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Wonders Never Cease by Talent

                               T A L E N T                             
                          "Wonders Never Cease"                         

             Just a warm-up production for something bigger 
                   to come made in a couple of days

            Presented at DejaVu 2000 in UK, end of June 2000

                        Code by Subagazi (Andrzej Madajczyk)
                       Music by Virgill (Jochen Feldkoetter)
              Art and design by Boo (Ulf Dahl)
                                Optic (Hans I. Johansen)

                You may reach any of us at these addresses:

    Did you watch "Possibly Maybe" which won last year's DeJavu?
    And did you enjoy "Christmas Chips"? (www.chiptune.com/christmas)


Boo: "I would like to thank Virgill for his patience. He composed this tune for me back in early 1998 and was originally planned for a Talent project entitled "Teamwork" which unfortunately never got to see daylight. So in a way this is a some kind of a compansation for that."


[ technical.info about "Wonders Never Cease" ]

Subagazi: " /*

            WNC needs following things to run properly:

            - p2-400++ class CPU (should also run nice on something like p2-366(not tested!));
            - 48mb of free ram AFTER loading windows (should also run on 32mb, but
              you will get warning);
            - gfx-card with truecolor (32/24bpp) 16M colors 640x480 pixels mode
              (will also run in highcolor (64K colors), but quality will be lower
              and overall performace will be lost because of 16M->65K converters);
            - 16-bit soundcard with good drivers under windows;

            - windows 9x (NT/2k not tested!);
            - directx 5.0+;
            - "bass.dll" sound library by Ian Luck;

            - anything else?

            - note#1: WNC needs NO gfx accelerator at all
                      (all is rendered with pure software only)
                      our next demo will (probably) need 3d accelerator, hehe
                      (ask Boo if i'm wrong:));

            - note#2: look for any updates/bugfixes on our www page (given above);
                      please also send any bug reports to emails found there;


            */  ".


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