Anti-social magazine #10
<A HREF=""><IMG SRC="asxrb698.gif" ALT="XXX Sex Roulette" BORDER=0 HEIGHT=90 WIDTH=520></A><br><a href=""><font color="black" size=+1><b>Click here now !</b></font></a></DIV> _________________________ _/Armageddon & NeuroSplicer\_ / Proudly present \ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + A N T I - S O C I A L M A G A Z I N E + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ \ +---------------------------+ "I just downloaded Issue 2 <or later> but all I get is a .DAT file, why?" Very simply, Anti-Social is in .EXE format but the magazine is all in the .DAT file. As a result the 2 .EXE files used to view the magazine can be separated and re-used with any issue so you need only get them once, this is in order to reduce peoples download times of future issues once they have the .EXE files. The 2 .EXE files are available in Issue 1 of the magazine, or separately in a .ZIP ( file, both of which can be found at Anti-Social's web site: or If you still have problems getting the .EXE files (A-S.exe, Register.exe) then simply email me ARMAGEDDON at: "I've just downloaded my second issue of Anti-Social Magazine, but when I unzipped it in the directory where I have A-S.exe and register.exe I find it won't load the new issue and just loads the earliest issue I have. What's going wrong?" You need to create a secondary directory in the directory you keep your .EXE's for A-S mag. This is because A-S.exe gets confused when you have more then one .DAT file in the same directory. To counter this place the Issue .DAT file you want to read in the directory with the .EXE's and move all other issue.dat files to the secodary directory. We are working to fix this problem with a menu program. Any other questions or comments should also be sent to To be sure you get the latest issue of A-S mag. subscribe to it by emailing NeuroSpicer at with "Subscribe Anti-Social" in the subject line. =Anti-Social Magazine= 30/9/1998
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