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Quantum Chaos by ALLien Senses [web]

            |   |
            |   |___.                                                       _____________
            |   |   | .          _                          _   ____________\______    _/
       _____|   |   |( )_ ______/(____,    ________________/(___\__    _/     __/       \
    ___\  __|   |   |    |   __/   |  |    \___  _/     __/    |  |   __\__  ._|__     __\__
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    ------------------------------^p^--    ------------------------
        (a)     (L)       (e)
             (L)      (i)        (n)                  (e)           (s)      (e)
                                              (S)           (n)                     (S)

                          "Quantum Chaos" - a 4k intro by Allien Senses
                                     Made for Riverwash 2oo7
                                          August 2oo7

                                code & music.................kk

        Bassically done in one night. Expect something better in future...
        Requirements: decent pc with at least Nvidia GeForce 4Ti gfx card.

        We would like to thank the following people:

        * Pepson for ascii logo

        * Spec for some code ideas

        We respect:
        .new age beats

        KK     :  krzych82@poczta.onet.pl
        Wie8   :  wie8@tlen.pl

        Visit our Homepage:

                                        wie8 & kk 2007-08-24
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