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Buenzli-16 by Nuance [web]

                         /\_\ --------- -
                - ------ \/_/ since 1991
          _____________ __\____________________
         |       - ---+|-  \   - --|+---- -    |
         |            ||           |.   _______|
         |      |     .|     ______|_        |
         |      |      |     - ---+|    _____|___
         |      |     _|_         .|      - --- +|
         /»»»»»» »»» »»»» »»»»»»»»» »»»»»»»»»»»»»\
 	     \                                       /
 	      \        NintendoDS-Fun-Release       /
 	      /                                     \
 	     .)            "Buenzli 16"             (.
 	    /»                                       »\
 	    \         rayzn ~ raven ~ michael         /
 	     )                                       (
	    /  buenzli 17.-19.aug.07 winterthur (ch)  \

                        Please note:

		This intro was released just for fun at the
		Buenzli-16 including some party scrolltext
		like in the good old days.

		This version runs on the M3DS-Simply and R4DS.

		A DLDI-Section is included and you can patch
		this intro for your supercard on your own
		using the dldi-patcher.

                <> www.nuance-family.de <>
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