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Du Page by Obscure [web]


	D u  P a g e
        the demonstration

 	Obscure at

 Tonights lineup -  Zyrax.............code + XM-player
	  	    Evade.............graphics + music + ideas
		       and the outcasts

  	  	    Jadeo.............objects + scene-textures

 Info - A bunch of old effects mixed with some chicks and beats. 
        This one is a quickie, and has a few bugs. We are aware of them.
        A fixed/final-version will never see the light.
             - Win32-executable
             - Non accelerated
             - 640*480 screenmode
             - Fast CPU + lot's of RAM are recommended

 Obscure are - Ally       [code]	d98al@efd.lth.se
               Anvil      [code]        larssons.haverdal@mbox300.swipnet.se
	       Evade      [music, gfx]  evade@swipnet.se
               Obeewan    [music, html] obeewan@earthling.net
               Reanimator [code, gfx]   d97frenn@dtek.chalmers.se
               Sunday     [gfx]         martin.andersson@toreboda.mail.telia.com
               Zyrax      [code]        zyrax@home.se
               Additional info can be found at come.to/obscure
 We're out.

 "Himlen blir aldrig blσ, tack vare HBK" - R, 2000
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