Last Dawn by Scott Kerr
Last Dawn By Scott Kerr [] A game for the Nullarbor 2007 game develpment competiton. System Requirements CPU: 2.4GHz Celeron or better RAM: 128Mb or better Graphics Card: Opengl Compatible with stencil buffer support (Most cards) Description A survival-platform-action game. Survive in a zombie infested world. Install Instructions Unzip to directory of choice and run 'Last Dawn.exe' default controls a and d - move left and right w - jump q - switch weapon e - use aim with the mouse fire with left click throw a grenade if you have one with right turn on the tutorial to learn how to play credits game by scott kerr and evan kerr using sound effects by gezortenplotz freqman corpsehere martian lagthenoggin acclivity adcbicycle harri from licensed under creative commons sampling plus 1.0 license special thanks to ucc - beta testing
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