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Boobie Factor by Brainstorm [web]

___        _________         ____________
\  \       \____   /      . \\_______   /
 \  \________  /  /           ____  /  /
  \  \___   /_/  /   ________/   / /  /
   \  \_/  /_  _/    \___   /   / /  /
   _\__/  /  \  \_______/_ /   /_/  /
  (______/    \__________//\__/(___/
                 /  / /  /
                /  /_/  /       [B R a i N S T O R M]
               __________ ___           __________ ______
    __         \____    /_)  \____      \_____   /____   \
   _\/___       ___ \__/ \_   ___) ___ ____  /  /__  /   /_____
_ \\/\  /______ \  \______ \  \   /  /_   /_/  /  / /   /_   /_ _____ __ _ .
      \/         \________) \  \_/  / /  /_  _/__/ /   / /  /
             _ ______________\__/  / /  /  \  \___/   / /  / since 1989
            (_\\__________________/ /  /    \________/_/  /
                               \  \/_ /              (___/
     = == === ================= \___// ============== == =

                 >- B O O B I E    F A C T O R -<	

        CREDITS|__________ .. .
          _code|: BOYC (engine) & YES (effects)
         _music|: BUZZER
           _gfx|: CRITIKILL, PRM, YES

_______________________ .. .

In a hurry we did it.
This production is dedicated to TuO and specially made for his memory 

I would like to thank Boyc & Zoom for their friendship.
The guys who added the 20 seconds of silence ;)
and to everyone at BP 2007

So now ... enjoy watching boobies

greetings going out to:

traction - farbrausch - madwizards
rebels - titan - razor1911 - fairlight
the black lotus - conspiracy - pouet.net - bitfellas.org
paradise - andromeda - asd - cncd - dreamdealers
komplex - melon dezign - nahkolor - nectarine
neural - scarab - scoopex - spaceballs - tristar 
trsi - the silents - ⁿmlaut design - equinox

***  brainstorm.untergrund.net ***
    ***  www.scenemusic.eu *** 

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