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Govinda by Depth [web]


                                proudly presents


                                 a 40k-intro for

                                 The Party 1997

                                 Code by Optima
			     Graphics by Ib
                                Music by Curt Cool

			 Startup-code by Blueberry/Efreet
		   Prorunner-replayer by Cosmos/Sanity

               Greetings: Corial, Apollon, Efreet, Fnuque, Iris,
                       Puzzle, Rebels, Ambrosia, Instinct.


                           Optima: tora01@hny.bohr.dk
                          CurtCool: curtcool@image.dk
                          Cytron: 6820@e.aarhus.ih.dk
                      Depth: http://www.image.dk/~kasperh
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