Super Neo demo show by The Exceptions
INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE TEX-SUPER-NEO-DEMO-SHOW -------------------------------------------- KEYBOARDCOMMANDS: 'S' - stops after loading the next picture, you can change disk now (don't change folder!) 'C' - continue loading '0' - quits the show when you are in the 'Stop' - mode GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: With the Super-Neo-Demo-Show you're able to load a ASCII-file named "TEXSHOW.TEX" that will be scrolled through the lower border of the screen (it depends on your monitor, how much you can see from this additional bitmap). The following applications are thinkable: Sending a message to your friends by painting a picture and write a few sentences (if only one pic was found by the Demo-Show, it will display it continuously). Or maybe you want to show some colorful things in the window of your computer-shop or ... All letters are allowed, and the following characters: +-'",.;:!?() Upper/lower case will be ignored. All the rest of characters will be transformed into spaces. That's all you need to know to have fun with... THE SUPER-NEO-DEMO-SHOW ! NOTE: The border-routine was designed to show as much as possible from the "extra-hires". Depending on how much scanlines your computer is able to display in the lower border, there maybe appear a flickering at the very top of the screen. We've tested the program on 5 STs of which one (the newest) showed this flickering. So please don't blame us if not anything looks as perfect as a TEX - Demo usually does... created 9.87 by THE EXCEPTIONS.
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