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X-mas party 1993 by Mr. Coke

                  __    __
Welcome to the    \ \  / /
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                    /  \ /// / / __/   /   / / / \  /    /
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                  /_/  \_\            1993

        It's a private Party at Mr.Coke's Home.
        It's a Party in 3 Floors...
               Begin: 10.12.1993
               End:   12.12.1993 (3rd Advent)

        If you wanna call me (Mr.Coke) call: [Germany](04221)52595

        How to get to the Party...

               - If you come by Car:
                         Drive to Delmenhorst !!!
                         And look at the Citymap.
               - If you come by Train:
                         If you are at the 'Delmenhorster 
                         Hauptbahnhof' call >52595< and 
                         you will brought to the party.
        Who will come ???

               Mr.Coke, Bull, Tommy, Tom G, Stallion, Anzac,
               Smart, Beatbox, Thyroxin , Jet Power, Metallix,
               Chaos, Mc Fly, Innovator, Danny O., Sepp Jo,
               Samurai, Pater M., Juri, Tr8tor, Wingleader,
               Mr.Ni!, Insh Allah, Bonus Software...

        Competitions ???

               I don't know yet. Surprise!

        Party Adress:

                    Joerg Tobergte       
                    27553 Delmenhorst

                        Try to Come, please... 


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