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06081945 by Terror Opera

;;                  ;;
PP              FPP
úú                            úú
      '06081945'                   req:         
::      256B intro                         386          ::
     by TerrorOpera.ToM              SB comp. soundcard    
         turn your        
'((          volume & bass         (('
                  2 MAX!                  
²²                                                ²²
PP                                      PP
.::                                ::.


- random generator is damn slow, ... be patient...
- sound is generated randomly, so if it sux for the first time, try it again!
- sorry for palette, but I HAVE NO ROOM!


On 6 August 1945, during World War II, the first atomic bomb to be used
offensively was dropped on the city of Hiroshima.
The Supreme Allied Headquarters reported that 129,558 persons
were killed, injured, or missing and 176,987 made homeless by the bombing.
In 1940 the population of Hiroshima had been 343,698.

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