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Fallty by Loonies [web]

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 - -diP--------------------------------------------------------------uP!- -

   Released at The Meltdown 2006


Code: Psycho
Music: PuRyX
Music Code: kklangzeug by Gargaj & tsw

Crinkler 0.4 used for compression.


Recent OpenGL drivers and some fast pixelshader 3.0 capable hardware with fast 
dynamic branching like Radeon X1600+. 

Made on X1900XT and tested on GF7800 - some initial lag on the gforce..

Sorry, but no error messages yet if the main shaders falls back to software - 
don't expect any frames in a reasonable amount of time - just kill it...

Will try to free enough space in the final version for a faster version of the 
main renderer.

Additional info

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