Grazey's Zak Hacks #38 by Psycho Hacking Force [web]
>>The Psycho Hacking Force presents<< h t t p : \ \ p h f . a t a r i . o r g Grazey's Zak Hacks 37, 38 & 39 ('The Final Ones') ---------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Zak hacks........................Grazey ..................................Zippy .................................Mug UK ..............................Mr Styckx ........................Sewer Hedgewhog .......................Andy The Arfling ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SNDH Testing................Evil of DHS ........................Stefan Lindberg ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SNDH Converting..................Grazey ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Finally we come to the end of the GZH series. 39 disk and 18 years of ripping. The last 3 disks contain the definitive Mad Max collection... featuring 459 tunes! Plus I've filled up disk 39 with a few new SNDH including rare Big Alec tunes and some obscure Vidovic tunes fromthe YM Tracker. Also On GZH 39 you'll find the complete GZH SNDH listing (in ZIP format). Finally I collated all my SNDH's and I was quite staggered by the result. 2264 SNDH files, equating to 4855 individual tunes!! Finally a big thank you to Evil / DHS and Stefan Lindberg for bug reports and testing. Hopefully all the Mad Max tunes now even work on the CT60!!! Contents -------- GZH 37 > .......> Mad Max .................> Game musics .................> Demo musics GZH 38 > .......> Mad Max .................> Demo musics GZH 39 > .......> Mad Max .................> Demo musics .......> Fixes .......> Big Alec .......> Floopy .......> Schemantix .......> Tooseb .......> Vidovic .......> Wahoo .......> Walker .......> SNDH LIST Replaying --------- The tunes can be played on a native Atari using SNDPlayer. They can also be played on the PC using Winjam or Delitracker. Winjam - Delitracker - See ya Grazey/PHF 29/11/04 eof
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