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Budowa (Construction) by ALLien Senses [web] & Sybiv

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                                                               [ascii by lambi]

                     "Budowa" - wild animation by Allien Senses
                                       July 2oo6

        Nine-minute material presenting at really dizzying pace two-year
        building of Galaxy shopping mall in Szczecin(Poland). Extraordinary
        depiction of the topic doesnt allow us to treat this production as
        a next tedious document- personally, I recommend to take a look at
        whole extra-interesting industrial visualization, filled with play
        of light and shadow. Sybiv placed, in one of the windows of the
        building he lived in, the internet camera, which had taken photos
        of the construction site for last two years. 2000 photos every
        twenty-four hours, night and day. All in all, about one million
        photos had been taken and must have been combined in a coherent
        entirety. In one month single pictures were assembled into a film.
        In the full version the one and a half hour document was created.
        After deleting all the less spectacular fragments nine-minute of
        the gripping movie was left. Jammer- our musician composed
        the soundtrack for movies necessity.

        Few words about technical aspects:
        The recording device was equipped with the program taking one
        photo every assigned unit of time: from 5 seconds to 10 minutes.
        The program produced a set number of photos per hour depending on
        a day time and the intensiveness of work on the construction site.

        We are looking for skilled coders, musicians and graphic artists.
        If you would like to join, contact us !

        ALLien Senses Homepage: http://www.asenses.scene.pl
           (special thanks to webtech.pl for sponsoring)

                    Contact:        wie8 [at]  tlen [dot]  pl

        We respect:
        .addict labs

                                 masterm & wie8 2006-07-04
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