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Blue Moon

                             The Blue Moon
                 -where the stars have found an enemy-

#                       WARNING: INFO FOR CODERS
# The raytracing algorithm is quite correct and realtime, of course. I hope
# to be able to do realtime raytracing of triangels soon (I'm so damn
# close...). If this is possible yet, CONTACT ME NOW! Or I'll
# think for hours for nothing. If you'd like
# to help me reducing my "bugs" (only a
# few left, I hope) CONTACT
# ME, TOO!!!

Contact me (also if you are NO coder) for any reason:
eMail: Joachim.Hofer@t-online.de
(dat's me, Chock)

Blue Moon was made by Chock in 1997.
                        Ruhstorf, Germany the 20th August 07.21pm   Chock

So, what will I do now?¨
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