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Life is Sad by Virtual Illusions

life is SAD (c)tmk
a Virtual illusions and friends 64Kb intro


  action  - lead code,art
  vaxa    - arranging the silence
  shock   - radial,blur,FD,texturegen
  dake    - radial,blur,FD
  kombat  - sphereinball imagination

  salami           - best
  echo             - FD helps, radial really helps
  kalms            - scaler and alot of usefull advises
  silbreed         - metas helps
  mrz              - radial optimize
  unreal           - blur helps
  sarix            - blur helps
  slyde            - Wu helps
  skrig            - art inspire
  pascal           - MXM
  tran & daredevil - pmodew122

Face parts - Natali Imbruglia,girl who sent me her photo mypic.jpg and varios porn stars
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