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Dreadloc Magazine #3

Damn, I have been putting this release for nearly 13 hours today and I am
just burnt the hell out right now.  I am glad that I am only publishing
DREADLoC once a month.
At any rate, my beta testers seemed to have some difficulty installing
DREADLoC.  If you can't figure this out, I really feel sorry for you.
First of all, simply type "INSTALL", and that is it; nothing more, nothing
less.  If you think it is necessary to change the path, type "N" so that
you can put in your own drive and path.  When it prompts you for a drive,
make sure that you include the colon for the drive designation, ie - C: or
D:.  Once you press ENTER, it will as you for a path name.  If you look 
closely, there is already a backslash there; this means that you don't 
need to type in another one.

If DREADLoC crashes or there is an error, please make sure to reset your
computer.  Unfortunately, this version CAN be a bit volitile with the 
little bit of EMS memory that it uses.

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