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antiparty by the|neonray [web]

     few days harddraw demo created by 
 <the|neonray.2000 megafunky devision>
  antinvitation to chaos constructions
                     made just for fun
          it's not our best production       a  n  t  i  p  a  r  t  y      .
     good production will be presented 
                at paradox2k1|read.pdx

                   _buggy & unfinished

   bugs can apear under videocard less 
     than tnt2 and with memory < 128mb
      code: night_
 3dsplayer: upi / throb
  graphics: night_
  3dscenes: night_
    design: night_
    packer: upi / throb
   bighelp: upi / throb
     music: jam style & da boogie crew "did you wanna party ?" .mp3
            in russian language. learn russian to know what lyrics
            mean :) hehe.
 someparts: www.newhermitage.ru
          : corel clipart
          : destruction party 99 pics [it was realy good party]
      reqs: mood/tnt2/p2/64mb/sound/windows
    greets: 3state.replay.alien:prophets.t-rex.throb.proxium.fishbone.aienn.
  japanese: vodka and spirt [written in english by japanese font in demo]
   message: spirt is much bitter drink than vodka. i.e: vodka
            is only 40% of spirt(yes.yes. vodka consist of
            spirt and water. 40% of spirt & 60% of water). Of course
            you can produce it in your own home. But ask yourself: "why?"
            just visit chaos constructions 2k1 and random[organizer] will
            give you a lot of free vodka.
message to: Try to make nice party, not like the last one.
  cc orgos                      uncle night_ will test ya!
            and free bear to me, cause you're massive now! =) 
    phrase: It's very bad to begin democreation from the infofile! =)   (c)me
      .pdx: You also can try yourself at paradox2k1. Even if you can't visit
            it, your demo/intro/etc. will be shawn in the compo.
            btw, pdx will take place in rostov'on'don. Russia.
            neonray production will be presented there (95%)
            ...and i'm not a pdx advertising man. I'm a free scener %)
postscript: ...and of cause it was made with love to my girlfriend Ann.
        um  and don't look at the name of demo, cause my love isn't
            antiparty =). 
postscript: hey, 3state guys, don't think, that i've stolen your design from
       um2  "nowhere". just your background idea(where the now plane is) was
            very good.
       url: http://neonray.narod.ru
 (c)2001 the|bombastic2001 is unregistred trademark of the|neonray2000.
    other trademarks are propety of their respective owners.
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