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Tremor by Creative Mind

                           __   __                          __           __   
   .----.----.-----.---.-.|  |_|__|.--.--.-----. .--------.|__|.-----.--|  |  
   |  __|   _|  -__|  _  ||   _|  ||  |  |  -__| |        ||  ||     |  _  |  
   |____|__| |_____|___._||____|__| \___/|_____| |__|__|__||__||__|__|_____|  

                            ._ ._. _  __ _ ._ -+- __                          
                            [_)[  (/,_) (/,[ ) | _)                           

    MMMVMMMMMMu MMMMMM                                          MlMMMMMM
    M   MM   MM MM   MMM  MMMMMMMMMM MMyt        MMqV   MMMMMN    MM   MMM
    M   MM    M MM    MM    MM     M  MMM       MpM   MMM    MM   MM    MM
        MM:     MM    MM    M          MMM     M@MM  MM       MM  MM   MMM
        MM      MMMM#       MM    M     MM     M M   MM       MM  MMMM;
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        MM?     MM   MM     MM    M    M  MM  M  MM MM        MM  MM  MMM
        M?      MM   @MM   pMM      M  M  MM M`  MM  MM       MM  MZ   MMM
        MMM   MMMMMM  lMMM  MM      M  Mb  MMM   MM  MMl     MM qMMM#y  MMMf
      ZMM ^M              MMMMMMMMMu  MMM  MM  ?MMMMu gMMMMMMM
                                      MH.`                MM

                         >> FILLBERT/SENOR.C/STARBUCK <<

  it┤s hard to translate the german lyrics accurate into the english language,
            but maybe this will help you to grasp what it is about:

                            the impulse is blurring
                         twitching movement torturing
                         wrong stimuli hurting loudly
                           roaring loss of controll

                         the usual white chaos flees
                         and unusual chaos dominates

                       wanderings and shredded thoughts
                           needles burn the nerve
                        whipping hands, wild vibration

         no greetings in the demo so here they are in no special order

greets 2: our families, gabby, pap, jamit, kellersound, j÷rni, spex, fuzzel,
          payne, tentacle, skyrunner, coby one, jorime, fireball, iron mike,
          powerhubert, kathe (thanx 4 tha help *g*) , stephan, skeet, martina,
          sushi, zonky, fransie, amo, anne & carsten, moette, silf, tobias and
          *insert your name here*

          special greets 2 our muffin suppliers jule & palk ;-)


                           released in December'05
                            (c)2oo5 Creative Mind
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