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Your Friendly Dictators by Jumalauta [web]

        _____                       _______         
   sAk  \    \     ______  _________\___   \     
  ______/    / ____\     \/       /   _|    \      
  \    /    /\ |                      \|     \     
  /________/  \|    /____\/     /\____________\    
    _     \_________|    /______\         _       
    //____________  ____  __  _______  __\\______  ___  _____  _______  __ _
    /               \   \ ____\___   \_____  ______\  \___ ____\___   \
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                   /   /___\    \|     \    \|        /_____\    \|     \
                  /   /       ___________________/   /       ____________\
                  \__________/                   \__________/
 _ _               __ __________________________________________________ _   \
 //  info      _ _/ ___________________________________________________ _/  _/
 /       _____/                                                         \___\

                              Jumalauta Mac Presents:

                              Your Friendly Dictators
 _ _               __ __________________________________________________ _   \
 //  notes     _ _/ ___________________________________________________ _/  _/
 /       _____/                                                         \___\

  Where there is truth, there is a passion. The flame of freedom bursts in
  every soul, seeking for it everywhere one goes. In a free world, our
  demands are chained by evil imperialists and all the other
  counterrevolutionary ingredients. In Jumalauta we believe in strong
  principles. Good people should have nothing to hide. We made this demo to
  show you our true passion for the truth, and we are seeking it everywhere we
  go. Some people for example say that they don't want to participate in a
  drug test. If they don't use drugs, why can't they participate? Do they have
  something to hide? It's not about surveillance, it's about the truth. Some
  people can handle it, some people don't.

  We are your friendly dictators. 

  Windows port. Probably works, I haven't tried.

  Ylvaes vittu: Visuals, sound editing
  €lŠ kaada kaljaa nuotioon ŠlŠkŠ koodaa kŠnnissŠ: Visuals
  Soluttautuja: Visuals
  Fire In The Head: sounds (most of the latter 19 seconds)
 _ _               __ __________________________________________________ _   \ 
 //  joining   _ _/ ___________________________________________________ _/  _/
 /       _____/                                                         \___\

              We are always on the lookout for new talent.
 _ _               __ __________________________________________________ _   \ 
 //  greetings _ _/ ___________________________________________________ _/  _/
 /       _____/                                                         \___\

       Jumalauta sends our love and respect to the following groups:

                             Mega Best Software
                               Aryan Vanguard
                           Mini Crappiest Hardware
                             Finnish Amiga Group

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                        .NFO (c) sAk/jML 2001-2005

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                    JL is so uptight but jML ever so cool!
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