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s60s80cracktro by Accession

  /\  /\  /\ Accession cracktro division
 /  \/ (_/ (_   presents the first s80
(___(___(____)  cracktro (also s60 avail)

Recording was used at Kindergarden 20005
in order to get it on the bigscreen. This
does run on an actual s80 phone, and we
also have a s60 version.

Fuckings to Nameless for not showing up
to Kindergarden 20005.  We came to .no
and you stayed at home.  Fucker, you
ARE going to fucking breakpoint if I
have to fucking MAIL you there.

Code:  X/Acc
Music: Turtle/Acc
Gfx:   Reward/Complex

Note: No this isn't the demo we were doing
that ran into unfortunate complications.
This was released at the party to make up
for the fact that we ran into complications
yet folx had driven huuuuuuuuuuge distances
to get to the party.  Cept Nameless who did
not drive, walk, or move his sorry lame butt
to the party.

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