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2nd difference by orange

                               2nd Difference

Cybelius ...... Stuff
Hoplite ....... Code
Dune .......... Moral support
Phantom ....... Player

 So I left  Sonique (greets, guys!)  right after  it got paralyzed;  nothing
was  going on,  so I got  stuck in it.  Me and Dune, we joined Ornage and at 
least _I_ havent regret it!

"Sonic is officially dead"
                - Burt, in Internet 24.09 1994

 I guess Jaz, FTJ, Ranx and Phantom  thinks that Sonic really isn't dead and
plans to do sumthing  in the future. I wish you all my luck.  Go for it! And
thanks for all the stuff back then, I enjoyed being soniquenne.

"All I wanna do, is have sum fun"
                - Sheryl Crow

 By now I still have done only one tune in sum specified purpose,  ALKU4.MOD
for Delusion (yea, I guess it counts :(. I don't think Orange (or Sonic back
then) really need me; I'm no demomusician and I do too big tunes for intros.
It's because I get an idea for chords or a riff, I work it in and out, samp-
le the whole stuff together,  add drums 'n strings  - and see what happened!
The tune is >600 kb!  Well, actually, Ship oh hip! was 913,  but I resampled 
the  guitars  down to err.. 14 khz  or so,  only because  I hadn't enough of 
basememory to use ST3!

 I see no reason to go for any lower rate than 22 khz when Im once given the
chance. I'd do 44 khz or more if I just had more than 1408 kb RAM, and since
the tunes are  only for the sake of  music I make the files big, just as big
as they get when I make them as I intended to.

"Ripping is lame"
                - Cybelius, on GSN back then

 The drums in Toyshop  are straight from  Dune's Backto.mod,  I just removed
the triol-speed-changes.

You> Why on earth did you do that? Don't you know how to do drums?
Cybelius> Bullseye.
* Cybelius is a lame tracker!

 Also most of the strings in the tunes, such as  Toyshop, Sticks and stones,
Bok goes east  and  Handiwork  are  Dune's too.  And the snare  in  Bok goes
east. And the hihats in Handiwork. And - well - quite everything. Tnx.

 Handiwork is scaring  close to almost every  Jamiroquai -tune, but anyway I
did write it myself, honestly. Yes i _DID_!

 Sticks and stones attended a small party in Noormarkku, the Cadaver meeting
and came 9th! (received no prize though).

 The tunes are included as separate files  because I've found no played that
played  the tunes right.  Not even  Trug "we-love-you"  FC's MDP!  See, when
a  sample changes,  GUS finds a free channel,  starts playing the new sample 
and _then_ turns off the old sample.  Well, when a lot of  samples change at 
the same time (over 8 of them) there are no free channels on GUS, so this is
reflected in various things. MDP says "snap" or "crackle" or "pop" (just try
SHIP!.S3M ..). Phantoms player leaves one sample unchanged.  What the others
exactly do, I dunno, but ST3 played quite fine. So please, after running the
album non-stop from beginning to end, please check out the tunes with ST3!

 And finally, the kriits:

 Nordic Line
 Sonic members all around the world
 Chuck Biscuits
 Jeskola -dudes
 Simpula -users (mostly Tuukka, Mikko E, Asmo, Juha, Jaana, Hemmo and Pentti)
 Pasi Rastas
 Jukka Nubbi

 Greets^(-1) :

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