Turn On by Digital Devotion
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They say the doors open at on friday the 30th of september 2004, and close on sunday the 2nd of october 2004! And of course they say it's the best party ever. And remember the party slogan. We fix booze You bring the releases. We fix booze You bring the releases. .party place and compos With room for about 65 people, it'll be cozy n' shit. There will be demo compos for the PC, Amiga and Mac platforms. Not only that, there will be C64, consoles, and whatever you can come up with! It is recommended that you bring your own hardware, as the organizers don't have unlimited resources. "What about muzik?", you ask. Well, tracked zik, and that other stuff, will of course be part of the event. "But I want grafix!" - hirez, lorez & ansi, just read the rules. And if you're really crazy, there will be a lame-demo compo too. :) .network? At this moment we do refer everyone asking about internet to the editors column in DN (Dagens Nyheter http://www.dn.se/ ) +----------------------------------------------------------------+ . . . . . . %%%%%+- .$. -=%%%=- .$. -=%%%=- .$. -=%%%=- .$. -=%%%=- .$. -=%%%=- .$. -=%%%%% ~ý$$$$$$$ý~ ~ý$$$$$$$ý~ ~ý$$$$$$$ý~ ~ý$$$$$$$ý~ ~ý$$$$$$$ý~ ~ý$$$$$$$ý~ -=%% ,$$ý$$. =%= ,$$ý$$. =%= ,$$ý$$. =%= ,$$ý$$. =%= ,$$ý$$. =%= ,$$ý$$. =%==- +' '+ +' '+ +' '+ +' '+ +' '+ +' '+ ============================================================================ B L A C K B I R D I E - S E C O N D E D I T I O N - B O O Z E ============================================================================ +----------------------------------------------------------------+ .rules this is what they say! : .general rules. -If we recognize the submitted material, we'll probably disqualify it. -If we feel the submitted material is inappropriate, or just plain sux0r, we will probably disqualify it. -If you meet the deadlines (haha, right!), we will probably show the submissions. .demo rules. You say demo? We say AMIGA PC MAC OMGWTFBBQ!@# .other demos? C64, consoles, funfunfun! Bring your hardwarez and we will probably show it. .zik. Tracker heaven. Though, if we're unable to play the format, you're responsible. .other zik? Yeah, go ahead and make your nusk00l format trax here! mp3, ogg vorbis, etc. Be reasonable. .gfx. hirez: >320x240(~8) lorez: <=320x240(~8) ansi?: enough contributions -> sure. <=80x1000 .lam-demo Praise Jesus! We are bringing back the old tradition of making lame-ass weirdo productions. All of you who have been active since early '90s should know what this is. .contact (party, blame these people || send them gifts!) triple@pi.nxs.se (triple) pj.martin.johansson@gmail.com (wix) http://blackbirdie.pseudohacker.org +----------------------------------------------------------------+ I I I I I I ;, ,; ;, ,; ;, ,; $$$y,|,y$$$ $$$y,|,y$$$ $$$y,|,y$$$ %%%%%%%%%%+ ýy$$$$$yý +%%%%%%%%%%+ ýy$$$$$yý +%%%%%%%%%%+ ýy$$$$$yý +%%%%%%%%%% ::::::::' ,$$$$$$$$$$$, '::::::' ,$$$$$$$$$$$, '::::::' ,$$$$$$$$$$$, ':::::::: ::::::: """""$$$$$""""" :::: """""$$$$$""""" :::: """""$$$$$""""" ::::::: ======------- $$$ -------==------- $$$ -------==------- $$$ --------===== $ $ $ ax^iCE
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