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Debut by Rabenauge [web]

  _.___              _._              _.____.         _.____.         _._
._\|_ /___. _.____._/ |/___. _._ _ ___\|_   | _.____._\|_   | _._ _ _/ |/_____.
|  _/     |_\|_   |  _     |/ |/____.   /   |_\|_   |   /   |/_|/____. _/     |
|_ \      |   /   |  \     |  _/    |  /    |   /   |  /    | \_     | \     _|
 /__\_____|  _    |________|  \     |_/_____|  _    |_______|  /     |__\____\ 
- -diP-/_____\____|-----/______\____|----/_____\____|----/___________|---aSL- -

A mobile demo for Nokia 6630 released 27.8. at the Evoke Party 2005. 
It was released in a hurry, so many other new demo parts are left to 
be released on a other party. 


Code - Bodo
Music - Lord Crome
Graphics - Titus

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
  w w w . r a b e n a u g e . d e |  | | ||| | |  | logo by dipswitch/aerosol


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