I saved the scene
; Welcome to our daily coding tutorial. ; I'm your friendly host, Benjamin Dilworth-Smith. ; I also like it when the red water comes out. ; A serious problem that occured recently is that ; according to several experts, scene is apparently dead. ; Now we all know the reason for that: ; ; Black backgrounds. ; ; This is especially notable in a recent production ; released by anarchist demogroup Traction, ; deliberately labeled as "I killed the scene". ; ; The tongue-in-cheek existence of such a tiny ; production screams for vengeance. Deep and hard. ; ; Coders of the world must create the ultimate ; opposite of such a devilish scheme! ; ; ... WHITE BACKGROUNDS! _AND SMALLER!_ ; ; ; So let's start our way to redemption, TO SAVE THE SCENE! ; First we need to assume a few things. ; Let's assume that our registers are all set to zero, ; when we start. ; Now this MAY OR MAY NOT BE TRUE, but ; _THE END JUSTIFIES THE MEANS!!!_ ; So we just don't care. People who don't reset their ; registers suck anyway and deserve to perish. ; Now, we need to get white stuff all over the screen. ; No, without porn. ; ; A nice way of doing this is filling the ; screen with white! ; GOLLY GOSH, INGENIOUS! ; ; Since stated above, we can afford anything due to ; our sacred cause, we DONT SWITCH VIDEO MODE! ; NOONE CARES. ; ; There is a lovely interrupt call to write out ; characters in a neat and orderly single file line, ; that being int 10h with ah set as 9. ; ; So first, let's carefully set ah to 9! mov ah,9 ; WHOA! ; That was HARSH! ; ; Now, in bl we must put the attributes. ; This is a tricky one. ; We want the screen to be completely WHITE. ; YES, totally 0xFFFFFF!!! ; ; However, we would need to fill the character ; attribute with 0xDB (¦), and that would cost ; us BYTES! YES! WE CANNOT AFFORD TO LOSE BYTES! ; ; So, to carry on with our godly plan, ; WE DONT DRAW CHARACTERS! ; We set the BACKGROUND WHITE!!!!! ; Noone will ever know! ; ; So we need to set the upper nibble to FULL ON ; WHITE MANIA! mov bl,0xF0 ; HOLY KETCHUP! ITS WORKING! ; ; Now, we also need to draw a LOT of that. ; CX is the iteration register in this case. ; However, WE STILL NEED BYTES! ; OH GOD WILL THIS EVER STOP! ; ; We must use black magic here! ; Let's force CH to decrement! ; YES! ; Let's subtract 1 from 0! ; LET IT OVERFLOW, AS IT IS A WORTHY SACRIFICE! ; (And we never liked Switzerland anyway.) dec ch ; AND IT WAS DONE! ; ; And now, we're ready to perform the last part ; of our ritual: int 10h ; Rejoice, ye olde shoppe-clients, rejoice! ; It happeneth and it was good! ; ; BUT WAIT! ; ALL IS NOT DONE! ; We must KEEP OUR PROMISED BRIGHTNESS WHERE IT BELONGS! ; For a while at least. ; ; Let's put the decision to the audience's hands. ; Will they purge in eternal peril for aborting ; the holy light or will they truthfully stand ; thru all the danger and temptation and KEEP ; THE SCENE ALIVE??? ; ; Let's do it, let's WAIT FOR A KEYPRESS! xor ah,ah int 16h ; OUR MISSION IS COMPLETE! ; 12 bytes of godlike glory shining in it's holy color! ; People! ; Save the scene! ; DON'T LET THE EVIL -17.0 GAMMA DERAIL YOU! ; ; THE POWER IS YOURS!
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